Thursday, 26 June 2008

Inactive for a week

I'd like to state I will not be posting for a week as I am going on holiday(or vacation).
Italy ;)

Hope to see you guys here when I get back.


How to annoy people during online play

How to annoy people during online play

-Corpse hump(t-bag) targetted people. This is often done by crouching and standing up repetitively on a persons face. Uhh yeah... Wikipedia it for more info.

-Teamkill! Game modes such as Call of duty 4's hardcore search and destroy are a great way to kill your team. Just get an RPG with sonic boom, fire it into the floor as the round starts and you have a team who hates you! Woo!

-Talk garbage.. Ask random people with mics if they enjoy weinerdogs and mustard. Perhaps you could sing - Singing is always good. Maybe randomly join in with other peoples conversations. The possibilities are endless...

-Glitch out of the map, not always the best idea as alot of people will file complaints.

-While waiting in the lobby, send random people messages asking if they want to come out tonight. Well, what else can you do while you wait?

-If somebody picks a weapon up which you wanted, follow them around. Perhaps in Gears of war, repetitively rev your chainsaw at them.

Sorry for the short post today guys. If you ever have any ideas for new blog posts send me an email at


Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Xbox 360: Preventing the RROD

33% of xbox 360 owners will get the Red Ring of Death sometime in their gaming lives. Don't let one of the 33% be you.

I will start with a brief description of what each quadrant on the Ring of light means:

1 quadrant: General hardware failure
2 quadrants: Overheated Xbox
3 quadrants: The main dreaded hardware failure(the RROD)
4 quadrants: Disconnected AV cable

The main reason why these happen is because of costly mistakes by the owner. Read the following and ensure you understand them:

-Do NOT put your xbox 360 on the carpet. It prevents ventilation and can cause overheating. Simply put it on a small coffee table or a place mat instead
-Do NOT move your 360 while it is turned on, or a disc is inside the tray. Your just asking for scratched disks
-Do NOT put your 360 near a heat source such as a radiator. Can cause overheating
-Do NOT put other things on top of the 360
-Alot of people say laying it down instead of standing it up makes a difference, perhaps try this
-If all else fails, try a Nyko Intercooler

Playing for long periods on your xbox 360 may cause it to overheat(2 red quadrants) It is important that you do not play on your xbox for at least 12 hours in this circumstance. Turning it on and playing normally after overheating will cause it to permanently overheat whenever you turn it on. It happened to me, so I suggest you listen to my advice!

What to do if your xbox 360 has broken

If your console has 1, 2 or 3 red quadrants(if 4 red quadrants, just plug in the AV cable, or if the console isn't detecting it, give it a clean) then here is what you can do.

1 or 3 red quadrants: See if you have the receipt from the place of purchase. Check if its still in date, and firstly phone them up to ensure they will offer an exchange before taking it there. If your warranty with the shop has ran out, or they will not exchange it(which they should lawfully, providing you have proof of purchase and its in the warranty) then read the next steps.

Phone xbox customer support and arrange for Microsoft to collect your xbox 360 for repair.

USA Residents: 800-4MY-XBOX
UK Residents: 0800 587 1102

This can take up to a month for your xbox to be fixed and shipped back to you.

Another method, which I do not recommend, is called the towel trick. Basically, your 360 is wrapped in a towel so it heats up and the plates mould together, thus giving you a temporary fix. This may void your warranty so I really advise against it. However, if you want to learn more just google 'towel trick'.

2 red quadrants: Turn your xbox 360 off 12+ hours, then play again. Make sure the area is well ventilated. If the problem occurs, ask for an exchange at the place of purchase or phone the microsoft repair centre.

I hope you have found this post useful

Many thanks,

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Rock Band: The Review

Released for: Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Wii. (In some countries it is not yet released for all platforms)

Rock Band - The Basics

Rock Band is developed by Harmonix Music Systems and published by MTV Games.

What do I get with Rockband?

Included in the Rock Band instrument pack is the...
Stratocaster guitar, with an additional set of fret keys used for 'tapping' solos.
Rock Band Microphone, a good quality microphone used for the vocals section.
Set of drums, with foot pedal and sticks...The main reason why people buy Rockband.

Rockband is often put down due to its hefty price tag, here is the cheapest I can find it for...


Daily downloadable content is available each week on the xbox live marketplace.

Overdrive is available in Rock Band, this is the same as Guitar Heros' star power. Activate it and your score multiplier doubles. However, it can also be used to bring back bandmates which have failed out.

So... The big question

The question on everybodys lips is whether RockBand is actually worth the price tag it stands on.

My opinion is that, if you only plan on playing RockBand solo, you will be better off buying Guitar Hero 3. Perhaps if you have alot of family/friends living with/nearby you, RockBand is certainly the better option. You are able to play through the massive Band World Tour, which will keep you entertained for a very long time.
Nevertheless, soloers can still have fun with RockBand, as the solo tours are indeed fun to do. But the boredom factor may kick in as you are simply playing by yourself. Bored of one instrument? Buy a microphone stand or use your standard headset and play drums/guitar while singing along. Lets just hope you know the words...

For the more experienced gamer, the drums will be the only main threat in terms of difficulty. Fans of the Guitar Hero series will find even the expert career a walk in the park, apart from some tricky and enduring solos such as Green Grass High Tides.

The lifespan on Rockband, as I said before, is pretty good. With over 60 songs in the setlist, and alot of downloadable content, you will be rocking out all night.

Characters are fully customizable, with the ability of tattoos, facepaint, makeup, new clothes, hairstyles, you name it - Rockband has got it.

Alot of people are put off due to storage. The drums can be disassembled and stored easily, while the microphone or guitar shouldn't be a problem.


Good points:
Great fun
Large lifespan
Feels like your in a band, without the months pratice

Bad points:
Large price tag

Overall rating:

Thanks for reading,
Game Reviews and Tips writer

Monday, 23 June 2008

Call of Duty : World at War information

Call of Duty : World at War - The Basics.

Video Trailer:

Release date - November 2008(unconfirmed)

Expected to be released on: Xbox 360, Wii, Playstation 3, Playstation 2, PC.

is no longer involved in the modern warfare theme, much to many peoples dissapointment. It is back in the times of Cod2 and Cod3. It will be set in the pacific theater and eastern front of World War 2. You will play as the USA, and will be fighting the Japanese.

Infinity Ward are not making it, again to peoples dissapointment. It wil be published by Activision and developed by Treyarch.(Who did Cod3)

Treyarch promise 2-4 player co-op story mode, and 16 player online. Co-op story has a metagame option, just like Halo 3. Killing enemies gets you points, and you can buy additional perks either for multiplayer or co-op. Sounds good.

Call of duty : World at war
is not called Cod5. However, in sequence it is the fifth Call of Duty.

More about Call of Duty : World at war

Better commands - The party leader is able to issue leaders to each member of the squad all at once, and indicating on the HUD where they are wanted. Squad members can be given names to suit their roles.

More destructible environments - Whether you decide to break or burn through them. Ropes are also provided, if your ever feeling nasty enough to hang somebody.

New perks - New perks are being released to suit the time period. Liked the kill streak bonus option in Call of duty 4 of calling in helicopters and UAVS? Too bad. They weren't invented yet!

Fancy a swim? - Swimming is now available. The more observant could use these for sniping positions.

Flamethrower - A flamethrower will be released for Cod:WaW.

Katanas - Katanas will be released for Cod:WaW. If you get to close to an enemy, they might just turn samurai on you.

Increased sound quality - While it's always been possible to hear when gunfire or enemy's footsteps are coming from, Cod:WaW goes one step further. Sound coming from behind a wall or building will be muffled. This brings increased realism and great new online play for the more experienced gamer.

Thats all for now folks. Lets hope Cod:WaW can live up to its high expectations just like Call of duty 4.


Sunday, 22 June 2008

Gears Of War 2 - All you need to know part 2

Finishing Moves - All weapons have their own unique finishing move. The shotguns is like a golf club: You hold it by the barrell and slam it right into the enemies face. Lovely.

Chainsaw Wars - Even been faced with the situation in Gears of War when your both revving your chainsaw at each other? Well now rather then it being random, your chainsaws can collide and whoever mashes the B button fastest slices and dices their way through the enemies body.

Grenade suicide - Shot down while holding a grenade? Wait for your killer to come close before detonating it, blowing you and the annoying scumbag deep into the depths of hell. Grenades can also be planted on floors, walls, doors etc. Kinda like a proximity mine.

Portable Shields - Whether you decide to carry it around or plant it on the floor, its up to you. But don't get too comfortable.. Enemies can kick your shield over, it its planted.

New Characters

Tai Kaliso
- A heavily tatooed character from a seperate COG squad. He is known as a 'tribal warrior' and is more thoughtful about the horrors of war.

Marie Santiago - Dominic Santiagos' wife. Dom is on a mission to find and save her from the locust horde.

The Chairman - Described as the 'new Colonal Hoffman'. He is gonna be the guy in charge this time. He is the ruler of Jacinto, which is the main surviving human city.

Dizzy Wallins - An ex-stranded. He pilots one of the grindlift derricks the COG forces use, and he's fiercely protective of it.

New Weapons

Poison Grenade - Enemies tagged with this nasty weapon will die a slow, painful death. Can also be thrown to prevent areas from being passed.

Gorgon Burst Pistol - Like walking around spraying bullets everywhere? This gun is for you.

A "new, big gun" - Bleszinksi says "Unloading certain weaponary into crowds of locusts is very satisfying."

Thats all on Gow2 for now folks. I for one can't wait for its release in November. Stay tuned for Call of Duty 5: World at War.


Gears Of War 2 - All you need to know part 1

Video gameplay trailer:

Release date: 30th November 2008

Expected to be released for: Xbox 360(exclusive)

Can't wait for Epics sequel - Gears of War 2? Then you are in the right place. Lead designer Cliff Bleszinksi(above) promises extra strategy, as the first Gears of War devolved into too many charge and evade battles.

So what else is new?

4 on 4 becomes 5 on 5 - More players per game = more action...Thats what we like!

New multiplayer modes - Epic has developed a standard Capture the flag gamestyle to a sort of 'Capture the CPU-Controller person' However, he isn't the most friendly of chaps and will put up a fight. The aim is to weaken him enough and take him to the designated point on the map.

Also new is 'WingMan' which is basically a standard deathmatch with a partner. Cliff Bleszinksi describes it as "If the other guy doesn't look like you, kill him." I'm sure fans of Halo 3 and team double clans will be happy to see this gametype.

Not enough? Good, as there is another new gametype.
Guardian - Similiar to Rainbow Six Vegas' 2 'team leader' game, this is said to be the remake of the deserted assassination, in the original Gears of War. Each team has a leader, and as long as you keep him alive - your team can respawn. Strategy is a must in this sequel!

The Meatshield - I'm sure if you have read anything about Gears of War 2 this topic would have come up. You are able to take a downed opponent hostage and let them absorb all the enemy fire while you laugh it off in their face.

The Scorcher - Oh yes... The flamethrower.

Described as "the most realistic flamethrower to have been seen in a video game" this is sure to be a hit. It is pictured above with new, tatooed character Tai Kaliso. A perfect active reload enables the flamethrowers range to increase.

Part 2 will be published tomorrow - Which informs on new finishing moves, new characters, chainsaw wars and of course, new weapons.
Don't you miss out!

Game Reviews And Tips [GRAT]

Welcome to GRAT

A big warm welcome to Game Reviews And Tips. [GRAT].

Over the next few weeks I will be updating this blog with I hope the best information to help you make decisions of whether you should buy a certain game, or perhaps if you are stuck on a game or need advice - [GRAT] will be the place to come too. [GRAT] also publishes info that you wouldn't have seen before about upcoming game releases. This week will focus on Gears of War 2 and Call of duty 5: World at war.

Thanks - I hope you decide to bear with me. I advise to add this page to your favourites.


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