Thursday, 26 June 2008

How to annoy people during online play

How to annoy people during online play

-Corpse hump(t-bag) targetted people. This is often done by crouching and standing up repetitively on a persons face. Uhh yeah... Wikipedia it for more info.

-Teamkill! Game modes such as Call of duty 4's hardcore search and destroy are a great way to kill your team. Just get an RPG with sonic boom, fire it into the floor as the round starts and you have a team who hates you! Woo!

-Talk garbage.. Ask random people with mics if they enjoy weinerdogs and mustard. Perhaps you could sing - Singing is always good. Maybe randomly join in with other peoples conversations. The possibilities are endless...

-Glitch out of the map, not always the best idea as alot of people will file complaints.

-While waiting in the lobby, send random people messages asking if they want to come out tonight. Well, what else can you do while you wait?

-If somebody picks a weapon up which you wanted, follow them around. Perhaps in Gears of war, repetitively rev your chainsaw at them.

Sorry for the short post today guys. If you ever have any ideas for new blog posts send me an email at


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